Bond Yield to Maturity Calculator


The Bond Yield to Maturity is 7.47%7.469655116395131

The current yield is 5.56%. The estimated yield to maturity is 7.37%.

Bond Yield to Maturity Calculation Process

There is no direct algebraic solution to calculating a bond's yield to maturity*. Instead we use one of two approaches:

  1. Estimation Approach: Provides a quick result at the expense of accuracy.
  2. Numerical Approach: Provides an accurate result but is computational intensive. This calculator uses a numerical approach.

* Except for zero-coupon bonds

Photo of calculator author Wes NolteCreated by Wes Nolte.Last updated Apr 25, 2024.

What is a Bond?

A bond is a fixed-income instrument that represents a loan made by an investor to a borrower, typically corporate or governmental. Bonds are used by companies, municipalities, states, and sovereign governments to finance projects and operations. Here's a breakdown of the key components of a bond:

  1. Issuer: The entity that borrows the funds and promises to repay the bondholder.
  2. Face Value/Par Value: The amount the bond will be worth at its maturity, and the amount the bond issuer will pay to the bondholder at that time.
  3. Coupon Rate: The interest rate the bond issuer will pay on the face value of the bond, expressed as a percentage.
  4. Coupon Frequency: How often a bond makes its interest (coupon) payments. Common frequencies include Annual, Semi-Annual, Quarterly, and Monthly.
  5. Maturity Date: The date when the bond will mature, and the issuer will pay the bondholder the face value.
  6. Yield to Maturity: The total return an investor expects to receive if they hold the bond until it matures. YTM is expressed as an annual rate and takes into account coupon payments, face value of the bond, current market price, and time to maturity.

What is Bond Yield to Maturity?

Yield to Maturity (YTM) is a crucial concept in bond investing, representing the total return anticipated on a bond if it is held until its maturity date. It is expressed as an annual rate and encompasses all the income that the bond will generate over its lifespan, including both its periodic coupon payments and any capital gain or loss that arises from purchasing the bond at a price different from its face (par) value. Here are key points to understand about YTM:

  1. YTM takes into account the coupon interest payments a bond will make over its remaining life, as well as any difference between its current market price and its face value at maturity. If a bond is purchased at a discount (below face value), the YTM will be higher than the coupon rate; if purchased at a premium (above face value), the YTM will be lower.
  2. The YTM calculation assumes that all coupon payments are reinvested at the same rate as the YTM itself and that the bond is held until maturity. These assumptions might not reflect actual market conditions or the investor's actions.
  3. YTM is essentially the internal rate of return (IRR) of a bond investment. It discounts the future cash flows (coupon payments and final principal repayment) back to their present value using a single discount rate that equates this present value to the bond's current market price.
  4. The YTM is not straightforward to calculate directly because it involves solving for the discount rate in a present value formula, which requires iterative numerical methods or financial calculators.
  5. YTM is a comprehensive measure of a bond's attractiveness. A higher YTM indicates a potentially more profitable investment (assuming the bond issuer doesn's default). However, it's also associated with higher risk, particularly interest rate risk and credit risk.
  6. YTM is influenced by various factors, including changes in interest rates, inflation expectations, and the creditworthiness of the issuer. As market interest rates rise, the YTM of existing bonds typically increases (and their prices fall), and vice versa.
  7. YTM differs from the current yield, which only considers the annual interest payment and the bond's current price, ignoring capital gains/losses and the time value of money.

YTM is a comprehensive measure that provides investors with an estimate of the total return on a bond, assuming it is held to maturity and all payments are reinvested at the YTM rate.

How to Calculate a Bond's Yield to Maturity

There are two approaches to calculating YTM. The first uses an iterative numerical approach, and the second uses a formula that estimates the price. The first approach is more accurate but requires a lot more work and a calculator. The second is less accurate (but still gives you a ballpark figure) and can be done by hand. Let's take a look at each.

1. Numerical Approach

The primary challenge in calculating YTM lies in the fact that it is not directly solvable through simple algebra. YTM is the internal rate of return (IRR) on the bond's cash flows, which include periodic coupon payments and the principal amount repaid at maturity. The mathematical equation that represents these cash flows is a polynomial equation, and unfortunately, there’s no direct algebraic method for solving such equations for interest rates when the period is more than one year.

This is where numerical methods come into play. These methods are used to iteratively approximate the YTM. Among these, the most commonly used techniques are the Newton-Raphson method (used in the above calculator) and the bisection method. Both approaches involve guessing a yield rate and then adjusting this guess based on how close it gets to the actual price of the bond. Let's take a look at the step-by-step Newton-Raphson method:

  1. Imagine you's trying to guess a number that someone has in mind, but you have a clue to start with. In the case of finding a bond's YTM, your first guess is based on information you already know about the bond, like its coupon rate (the interest rate the bond pays).
  2. Now, instead of randomly guessing new numbers, you use a special technique to make your next guess smarter and closer to the actual number. This technique involves looking at how far off your previous guess was and adjusting it accordingly. The Newton-Raphson method does just that; it takes your initial guess and improves it step by step.
  3. After each guess, the method checks how close it is to the right answer. If it's not close enough, it makes another, better guess. It keeps doing this until it gets as close as it can to the actual number. In the context of YTM, it's trying to find the rate that would make the price you would pay for the bond equal to the value of all the money you's expect to get from it over time.
  4. After several smart adjustments, the algorithm arrives at a number that's a very close estimate of the actual YTM. This number tells you what return you could expect if you held the bond until it matures, considering all the payments you's receive from it.

2. Estimation Approach

The estimation approach for calculating the Yield to Maturity (YTM) of a bond is a simplified method that provides an approximate value of YTM without the need for complex calculations or iterative numerical methods like the Newton-Raphson method. This approach is particularly useful when you need a quick estimate rather than a precise figure.

The estimation approach often uses a basic formula that averages the bond's annual coupon payments and its capital gain or loss over the bond's remaining life. This method simplifies the complex present value calculations involved in the exact YTM computation.

The estimate takes into account the bond's annual coupon payment, its current market price, its face value (par value), and the number of years to maturity. The formula typically used is:

Estimated YTMC  +  FVPn×tFV+P2\text{Estimated YTM} \approx \frac{C \;+\; \frac{FV - P}{n \times t}}{\frac{FV + P}{2}}


  1. C = Coupon Rate
  2. FV = Face Value
  3. P = Current Market Price
  4. n = Coupon Frequency i.e. Number of Coupon Payments Per Year
  5. t = Years to Maturity

This formula averages the annual income (coupon payment and average annual capital gain or loss) and divides it by the average bond price (midpoint between its current price and face value).

The estimation approach is straightforward and easy to calculate, making it accessible even without financial calculators or software. It provides a quick ballpark figure, useful for rapid comparisons between different bonds or for getting a general sense of a bond's return. While convenient, this method is less accurate than detailed YTM calculations. It doesn's account for the time value of money, reinvestment of coupons, or more complex bond features like callable or convertible options. The estimation approach is most effective for bonds that are close to their maturity and bonds whose current price is near their face value. The farther a bond is from these conditions, the less accurate the estimate will be.

How to Calculate the YTM of a Zero-Coupon Bond

The Yield to Maturity (YTM) calculation for a zero-coupon bond is relatively straightforward compared to bonds with periodic coupon payments. Zero-coupon bonds do not pay periodic interest; instead, they are issued at a discount to their face value and pay the full face value at maturity. The YTM in this case represents the annualized return on the investment, considering the bond is held until maturity. The formula for calculating the YTM of a zero-coupon bond is:

YTM=Face ValueMarket Value(1Years to Maturity)1\text{YTM} = \frac{\text{Face Value}}{\text{Market Value}}^{\left(\frac{1}{\text{Years to Maturity}}\right)} - 1


  • Face Value is the amount the bond will pay at maturity.
  • Purchase Price is the price at which the bond is bought (current market price).
  • Years to Maturity is the time in years until the bond matures.

Calculating the Current Yield of a Bond

The current yield of a bond is a measure of its yield at the current moment, based solely on the coupon payments and the market price of the bond. Unlike the yield to maturity (YTM), the current yield does not account for any capital gains or losses that occur when the bond matures. It's a simple calculation that provides a snapshot of the income return (interest income) as a percentage of the current market price. The formula for the current yield is:

Current Yield=Annual Coupon PaymentCurrent Market Price×100\text{Current Yield} = \frac{\text{Annual Coupon Payment}}{\text{Current Market Price}} \times 100


  • Annual Coupon Payment is the total amount of interest payments the bondholder receives in a year.
  • Current Market Price is the price at which the bond is currently trading.

The result is expressed as a percentage, representing the return on investment in terms of interest income relative to the current price of the bond.

Why Are Bond Yields Inversely Related to Bond Prices?

The market price of a bond that pays a fixed coupon will move inversely to interest rates (Note: the face value does not vary). This is because a bond becomes more or less attractive as interest rate vary. Consider this example:

You purchase a 10-year bond when rates are 5%. The next year rates rise to 6%. Investors would prefer to buy a new bond at 6%, so in order to sell your bond you must offer it below face value.

Conversely, if rates fell to instead of rising then your bond is more attractive and you can sell it at a premium to newly-issued bonds.