Inflation Calculator


$155.80If inflation is 3% an item that costs $100.00 today would cost $155.80 in 2039.

Inflation compounds which means that small annual values can grow large over multi-year periods.

Photo of calculator author Wes NolteCreated by Wes Nolte.Last updated Apr 25, 2024.

What is inflation?

Inflation is an economic term that refers to the general increase in prices of goods and services in an economy over a period of time. It means that, on average, the cost of purchasing a standard basket of goods and services is rising, leading to a decrease in the purchasing power of money.Inflation is typically measured using various consumer price indices (CPI), which track the changes in prices of a representative set of goods and services consumed by households. Governments and central banks often use CPI to monitor inflation rates and make economic policy decisions.There are different causes of inflation, and it can be broadly classified into two main types:
  1. Demand-Pull Inflation: This type of inflation occurs when the overall demand for goods and services exceeds the available supply. When demand outstrips supply, sellers may raise prices to maximize profits. It is often associated with strong economic growth and can be fueled by factors like increased consumer spending, government spending, or investment.
  2. Cost-Push Inflation: Cost-push inflation happens when the cost of production for goods and services increases, leading to higher prices for consumers. This can be caused by factors such as rising wages, increases in the cost of raw materials, or changes in government policies affecting production costs.
A moderate and controlled level of inflation is generally considered beneficial for the economy, as it encourages consumer spending and business investment. Central banks often target a specific inflation rate (e.g., 2%) as part of their monetary policy to maintain price stability and support economic growth. However, high or hyperinflation, where prices rise rapidly and uncontrollably, can have severe negative effects on an economy, eroding the value of money and causing significant economic instability.

What is the inflation rate formula?

The inflation rate is calculated using the following formula:Inflation Rate = ((Current Price Index - Previous Price Index) ÷ Previous Price Index) × 100Where:
  1. "Current Price Index" refers to the price index (e.g., Consumer Price Index) for the current period (e.g., current year).
  2. "Previous Price Index" refers to the price index for the previous period (e.g., previous year).
Heres a step-by-step example of how to calculate the inflation rate:
  1. Obtain the price index for the current period.
  2. Obtain the price index for the previous period.
  3. Subtract the previous price index from the current price index.
  4. Divide the result from Step 3 by the previous price index.
  5. Multiply the result from Step 4 by 100 to express the inflation rate as a percentage.
For instance, suppose the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for the current year is 120, and the CPI for the previous year was 110. The inflation rate would be calculated as follows:
  1. Inflation Rate = ((120 - 110) ÷ 110) × 100
  2. Inflation Rate = (10 ÷ 110) × 100
  3. Inflation Rate = 0.0909... × 100
  4. Inflation Rate ≈ 9.09%
This means that there was approximately a 9.09% increase in the general price level from the previous year to the current year.

How is inflation defined?

Inflation is defined as the rate at which the general price level of goods and services in an economy increases over a specific period, typically a year. It is usually expressed as an annual percentage change in prices.To measure inflation, economists use various consumer price indices (CPI) or price indexes, which track the prices of a basket of goods and services representative of what a typical household consumes. The steps involved in measuring inflation are as follows:
  • Selection of a Basket: Economists select a representative basket of goods and services that reflects the spending patterns of the average consumer in the economy. The basket typically includes items like food, housing, transportation, healthcare, education, and other commonly purchased items.
  • Data Collection: Data is collected regularly from various sources, including retail stores, service providers, and government agencies, to determine the prices of the items in the selected basket. This data collection is often carried out by statistical agencies.
  • Price Index Calculation: The price index is calculated by comparing the current prices of the items in the basket with their prices in a base period. The base period is usually a previous period with stable prices, often chosen as 100. The current period's price index indicates how much the prices have changed relative to the base period.
  • Inflation Rate Calculation: The inflation rate is then calculated as the percentage change in the price index from one period to another, usually from one year to the next. It shows the overall rate of price increase or decrease over that period.
For example, if the price index for the current year is 120 and the base year's index was 100, the inflation rate would be calculated as:
  1. Inflation rate = ((Current Year Price Index - Base Year Price Index) ÷ Base Year Price Index) × 100
  2. Inflation rate = ((120 - 100) ÷ 100) × 100
  3. Inflation rate = (20 ÷ 100) × 100
  4. Inflation rate = 20%
This means that prices have increased by 20% compared to the base period, indicating a 20% inflation rate.It's important to note that there are different CPIs tailored for different purposes, such as the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) and the Producer Price Index (PPI). Each index may have a slightly different basket of goods and services and is used to track inflation in specific segments of the economy.

How can you offset inflation?

Offsetting inflation refers to taking actions or implementing strategies to mitigate the negative effects of rising prices and protect the purchasing power of money. Here are some common ways individuals and policymakers can attempt to offset inflation:
  1. Investing: Investing in assets that tend to outpace inflation can help preserve the value of money over time. Assets like stocks, real estate, and precious metals like gold have historically shown potential for higher returns than the rate of inflation.
  2. Bonds and Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS): TIPS are government bonds designed to protect investors from inflation. The principal value of TIPS increases with inflation and decreases with deflation, ensuring that the investor's purchasing power is maintained.
  3. Wage Increases: If inflation is driven by cost-push factors, such as rising production costs, workers may negotiate higher wages to keep up with the increasing cost of living.
  4. Diversification: Diversifying investments across various asset classes can help spread risk and reduce the impact of inflation on a portfolio.
  5. Adjusting Spending Patterns: Inflation affects different goods and services differently. By adjusting spending habits and choosing less affected substitutes or reducing discretionary spending, individuals can minimize the impact of inflation on their budgets.
  6. Indexing: Indexing, especially in the context of taxes, allows adjustments to income thresholds, deductions, and exemptions based on changes in inflation. This prevents 'bracket creep', where inflation pushes individuals into higher tax brackets.
  7. Central Bank Monetary Policy: Central banks can use monetary policy tools, such as interest rates and open market operations, to influence inflation. Raising interest rates can reduce consumer spending and investment, potentially curbing demand-pull inflation.
  8. Fiscal Policy: Governments can also implement fiscal policies, such as adjusting tax rates and government spending, to influence inflation. Reducing government spending can help reduce overall demand and moderate inflation.
  9. Price Controls: In extreme cases, governments may impose price controls on essential goods and services to prevent excessive price increases. However, price controls can have unintended consequences, such as shortages and black markets.
It's essential to strike a balance between addressing inflation and avoiding measures that could harm economic stability. Inflation targeting is a common approach used by many central banks to maintain stable and predictable inflation rates, which can help businesses and individuals plan and make informed economic decisions.